The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey

  • ALFALFA science collaboration guidelines and projects
  • Observing Team Activities

    ALFALFA Project Team

    Below is a list of persons committed to contributing to this effort, including affiliations, level of effort and task assignment. Names highlighted in green indicate members of the ALFALFA Oversight Committee.

    Name Affiliation Level of effort Specific tasks
    * Betsey Adams Cornell U. Ph.D. thesis Observing team ; software development, simulations
    Tom Balonek Colgate U. significant Observing team ; Zw1400+0949; serious flaggbb'ing; undergrad education; coqui recordings
    Ayesha Begum U. Wisconsin - Madison moderate Synthesis observations followup; low mass galaxies
    Mike Blanton NYU moderate Rotation in low mass galaxies; SDSS photometry
    Alessandro Boselli Marseilles moderate Complementary/followup observations
    * Christian Boutan U. Washington moderate Power spectrum analysis, testbed for EOR foreground subtraction
    Judd Bowman Arizona State U. moderate Power spectrum analysis, testbed for EOR foreground subtraction
    Jarle Brinchmann U. Leiden moderate SED-fitting; star formation histories; stellar populations
    * Drew Brisbin Cornell U. Ph.D. thesis Observing team; , cross-correlation with other databases
    Noah Brosch Wise Obs significant Observing team , complementary/followup observations;
    Shea Brown ATNF moderate Observing team , follow/complementary observations
    * Toby Brown Swinburne University of Technology significant Stacking analysis of volume limited, stellar mass selected sample
    John Cannon Macalester Coll. moderate Observing team , data analysis, follow-up
    * Patti Carroll U. Washington moderate Power spectrum analysis, testbed for EOR foreground subtraction
    Barbara Catinella Swinburne University of Technology significant Observing team , RFI algorithm development, liaison to GASS
    Vassilis Charmandaris U. Athens moderate Complementary observations, esp. Spitzer
    Jayaram Chengalur NCRA/Tata Institute moderate Synthesis observations followup
    Aeree Chung Yonsei University moderate CO in HI monsters
    Kim Coble Chicago State University moderate UAT; undergraduate education
    Edvige Corbelli Arcetri moderate Complementary analysis, M33 region
    Luca Cortese Swinburne University of Technology moderate Complementary analysis; SAMI survey
    David Craig West Texas A&M moderate Observing, undergraduate education
    Jeremy Darling U. Colorado moderate HI absorption lines, OH megamasers
    Jonathan Davies Cardiff significant AGES team leader
    * Jayce Dowell Indiana University Ph.D. thesis data analysis, deconvolution, extended gas disks
    Simon Driver U Western Australia significant ALFALFA-GAMA
    Adriana Durbala U. Wisconsin - Stevens Point significant star formation, optical imaging
    * Silvia Fabello U. Munich moderate Software development; stacking experiments
    * Damon Farnsworth U. Minnesota moderate Continuum sources/diffuse emission
    Rose Finn Siena moderate ALFALFA-U groups project
    Paul Fisher West Texas A&M moderate Observing, undergraduate education
    * Alex Fry U. Washington moderate Using ALFALFA to understand foreground subtraction for EOR
    Diego Garcia Lambas Cordoba moderate Complementary analysis, galaxy simulations
    Giuseppe Gavazzi Milano-Bicocca significant Complementary/followup observations
    Marla Geha Yale moderate Rotation in low mass galaxies
    Carlo Giovanardi Arcetri moderate Complementary analysis, M33 region, data analysis
    Riccardo Giovanelli Cornell U. major Observing team , survey strategy and management, software development, data analysis
    Fabio Governato U. Washington moderate Galaxy simulations; interactions
    Marco Grossi U. Lisboa significant Data reduction, M33 region, ellipticals
    Leonel Gutierrez UNAM moderate Halpha imaging
    * Greg Hallenbeck Cornell Ph.D. thesis Observing team , data analysis
    Eduardo Hardy NRAO moderate Follow-up observations; stellar populations
    Martha Haynes Cornell U. major Observing team , survey strategy and management, web development, data analysis
    Hector Hernandez Toledo UNAM moderate Halpha imaging
    * Kelley Hess U. Wisconsin - Madison Ph.D. thesis Observing team , data analysis, HI in groups
    Jim Higdon Georgia Southern U. moderate data analysis, follow-up; interacting systems
    Sarah Higdon Georgia Southern U. moderate data analysis, follow-up; tidal dwarfs
    Lyle Hoffman Lafayette Coll. major Observing team , observing strategy, software development, data analysis, follow-up; HI in distant clusters
    * Shan Huang Cornell U. Ph.D. thesis Observing team; data analysis, software development, cross-correlation with other databases
    Leslie Hunt Arcetri moderate AGN hosts, BCDs complementary observations
    Angela Iovino Milano-Brera moderate Complementary observations
    * William Janesh Indiana U. moderate Deep optical image; resolved stellar populations
    * Steven Janowiecki Indiana U. moderate Optical followup of Almost-Dark galaxies
    * Anne Jaskot U. Michigan moderate Starburst galaxies
    * Mike Jones Cornell U. Ph.D. thesis Observing team, environmental impacts
    Katie Jore U Wisc, Stevens Point moderate ALFALFA-U groups project
    Gyula Jozsa SKA-South Africa/Rhodes University (South Africa) significant Almost-dark galaxy collaboration
    Sheila Kannappan U. North Carolina moderate ALFALFA-RESOLVE collaboration
    Igor Karachentsev SAO moderate Complementary analysis, primary distances
    Valentina Karachentsev Kiev moderate Complementary analysis, dwarf galaxies
    Brian Kent NRAO significant Observing team , software development, data analysis, NVO portal development
    Ph.D. thesis completed 2008, Cornell
    Rebecca Koopmann Union Coll. significant Observing team , complementary observations, undergraduate education activities
    David Kornreich Ithaca College moderate N-body simulations, observing team
    Maritza Lara-Lopez Australian Astronomical Observatory moderate N-body simulations, Connection to GAMA
    * Karen Lee-Waddell Royal Military College of Canada/Queen's Univ. significant HI debris and dwarfs in selected groups of galaxies
    * Luke Leisman Cornell U. Ph.D. thesis Observing team, stellar populations, star formation histories
    Mikael Lerner Chalmers U., Sweden significant Observing technique, system performance, data acquisition/monitoring
    Dmitry Makarov Special Astrophysical Observatory moderate interacting systems
    Christian Marinoni U. Provence, France significant Group algorithm development
    * Ann Martin Cornell University Ph.D. thesis (2011) Observing team , data analysis
    Karen Masters U. Portsmouth, UK significant Survey simulations, distance models, constrained simulations
    Kristy McQuinn U. Minnesota moderate SHIELD2, Leo P resolved stellar populations
    Jeff Miller St. Lawrence U. moderate Observing team UAT groups project
    Robert Minchin NAIC-Arecibo moderate Observing, connection to AUDS
    Emmanuel Momjian NRAO - Socorro significant Observing team , data analysis, absorption lines
    * Crystal Moorman Drexel U. significant HI in void galaxies
    Miguel Morales U. Washington moderate Power spectrum analysis, testbed for EOR foreground subtraction
    Erik Muller Nagoya U., Japan moderate Observing, HVC's, tidal streams
    Susan Neff GSFC significant Complementary observations, esp. GALEX
    Danail Obreschkow U Western Australia significant ALFALFA-GAMA lead
    Mary Crone Odekon Skidmore significant UAT groups project
    Sally Oey U. Michigan moderate Starburst galaxies
    Ron Olowin St. Mary's College of California moderate UAT groups project
    Aileen O'Donoghue St. Lawrence U. moderate Observing team, data reduction, UAT groups project
    Nelson Padilla Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile moderate Numerical simulations
    Carmen Pantoja U. Puerto Rico moderate Observing, data analysis, follow-up, HVC's, ZOA
    * Manolis Papastergis Cornell U. significant Observing team, data analysis, correlation functions
    Phil Perillat NAIC-Arecibo significant Observing technique, system performance, data processing/archiving
    Mary Putman Columbia moderate Observing, follow-up, HVC's, TOGS team leader
    Kathy Rhode Indiana U. significant complementary optical observations, stellar populations
    Jessica Rosenberg George Mason U. significant Observing team , data analysis, HIMF
    Larry Rudnick U. Minnesota moderate Continuum sources/diffuse emission
    Sabina Sabatini Roma-Monte Porzio moderate Optical counterpart detection algorithms, complementary observations
    Amélie Saintonge Max Planck Inst. f. Extraterrestriche Phys, Germany Ph.D. thesis+ Observing team , software development, signal detection algorithm implementation, detection statistics
    Ph.D. thesis completed 2007, Cornell
    Paolo Salucci Trieste moderate Fast rotators; complementary observations
    John Salzer Indiana U. significant Observing team , complementary optical observations, emission line galaxies
    Roberto Scaramella Roma-Monte Porzio moderate Optical counterpart detection algorithms, complementary observations
    Marco Scodeggio Milano-CNR moderate Database tools, clustering algorithms, complementary observations
    Sperello di Serego Alighieri Arcetri moderate Ellipticals, X-ray followup
    Josh Simon Carnegie Observatories moderate Low velocity gas in the direction of NGC 4526
    Evan Skillman U. Minnesota moderate Complementary observations, comparison with synthesis observations
    Jose Solanes U. Barcelona moderate Galaxy dynamical simulations, environmental effects
    * Oded Spector Tel Aviv University significant Observing team, data analysis, extremely isolated galaxies
    Kristine Spekkens Royal Military College of Canada significant Observing, survey strategy development, mapping algorithm development
    Christopher Springob U Western Australia significant HI data archive, connection to 2MTF survey; connection to ZOA survey
    * David Stark U. North Carolina Ph.D. thesis Observing team , ALFALFA-RESOLVE collaboration
    Lister Stavely-Smith U Western Australia significant ALFALFA-GAMA
    Sabrina Stierwalt Caltech Ph.D. thesis Observing team , software development, data analysis, kinematics and dynamics
    * Mari Carmen Toribio U. Barcelona Ph.D. thesis Standard of HI content
    Ginevra Trinchieri INAF/Brera moderate Ellipticals, X-ray followup
    Parker Troischt Hartwick College moderate Observing team , UAT groups project
    Carlos Valotto Cordoba moderate Complementary analysis, cluster simulations
    Wim van Driel Meudon moderate Observing
    * Angela van Sistine Indiana U. moderate ALFALFA-Hα
    Liese van Zee Indiana U. moderate Analysis of HI sizes, complementary optical and VLA observations, SMUDGES survey
    Aparna Venkatesan U. San Francisco moderate UAT; evolution
    Michael Vogeley Drexel U. moderate HI in void galaxies; voids in ALFALFA
    Andrew West Boston U. moderate Rotation in low mass galaxies; SDSS photometry
    Eric Wilcots U. Wisconsin - Madison moderate HI in groups
    Li Xiao National Astronomical Observatory of China signficiant HI in the Pisces-Perseus supercluster
    Min Yun U. Massachusetts moderate CO in HI monsters
    * graduate student

    Last modified: Mon Nov 10 13:58:41 EST 2014 by martha
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